#显示文章相关信息 post_meta: page: date_type: both # created or updated or both 主頁文章日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示 date_format: relative # date/relative 顯示日期還是相對日期 categories: true # true or false 主頁是否顯示分類 tags: true # true or false 主頁是否顯示標籤 label: true # true or false 顯示描述性文字 post: date_type: both # created or updated or both 文章頁日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示 date_format: relative # date/relative 顯示日期還是相對日期 categories: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示分類 tags: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示標籤 label: true # true or false 顯示描述性文字
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# copy settings # copyright: Add the copyright information after copied content (复制文章后加入版权信息) copy: enable: true copyright: enable: true limit_count: 50
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# Displays outdated notice for a post (文章過期提醒) #
noticeOutdate: enable: true style: flat # style: simple/flat limit_day: 365 # When will it be shown position: top # position: top/bottom message_prev: It has been message_next: days since the last update, the content of the article may be outdated.
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# post_pagination (分頁) # value: 1 || 2 || false # 1: The 'next post' will link to old post # 2: The 'next post' will link to new post # false: disable pagination post_pagination: false
custom_text: Hi, welcome to my <a href="https://butterfly.js.org/">blog</a>!